Equity funds: is income or accumulation right for you?
Most funds offer investors the choice of two types of shares (for ICVCs and OEICS) or units (for unit trusts): income or accumulation. Knowing the difference will help towards your initial decision-making and ultimately achieving your investing aspirations.

Investment in technology
With technological developments moving at an ever faster pace, investing in the technology sector can offer interesting opportunities for growth.

Investing in bonds
Investing in bonds – also known as fixed income – can offer investors a way to reduce the risk of their portfolio.

Managing risk
When you invest there is a strong link between the risk you take and the potential returns you might receive. This video walks you through how these risks might vary depending on the type of investment, and some ways you might try and manage them.

Understanding your risk profile
One of the key questions to answer before making an investment is: What is my risk profile?

Using funds
As an alternative to investing in an asset directly, you could choose to invest via a mutual fund. This video explains the different types of funds that are available and the benefits of using them.

Understanding financial markets
A variety of assets are traded on financial markets, but they are all affected by certain key factors. This article will discuss the impact of interest rates, economic data, currency movements and inflation.

How to build an investment portfolio
Asset allocation, or the proportions of a portfolio that are invested in the various asset classes, is key to long-term performance.

Investing for retirement
The state pension is unlikely to provide the standard of living in retirement that most of us would like or expect. Today, enjoying a decent retirement generally means providing a savings pot for ourselves.

What is style investing?
There are two main approaches associated with investing in equities. Discover the advantages and challenges of each.

What is sustainable investing?
‘Sustainable investing’ is growing in popularity as investors increasingly want their financial assets to contribute to a better world. This article looks at the types of sustainable investment and how it can be used by investors to preserve the environment and promote human welfare.